Customer success story-IDEAS: AI tools improve efficiency for policy research

Customer success story-IDEAS: AI tools improve efficiency for policy research

Overview: AI tools improve efficiency for policy research

Climind is proud to collaborate with IDEAS to improve efficiency of research in areas related to the digital economy.

By leveraging Climind’s high-quality training AI tools such as Climind Ask & Climind Read, and high-level talents at the strategic scientist level of IDEAS, which are related to the strategic focus of key industries in the digital economy and represent the leading research level in the industry, quality and efficiency of research projects regarding digital economy are significantly improved and their high industrial and social value to both academia and industry can be realized at accelarated paces.

The customer: Institute for Digital Economy & Artificial Systems (IDEAS)


Institute for Digital Economy & Artificial Systems (IDEAS) is an international research collaboration platform established under the framework of the BRICS New Industrial Revolution Partnership. It is jointly founded by the Xiamen Municipal Government, Xiamen University, and Lomonosov Moscow State University. The center aims to enhance research and development in the digital economy.

IDEAS focuses on several key areas, including digital trade, technology transfer, and innovation in digital manufacturing. It seeks to leverage the strengths of both nations to create a leading interdisciplinary research platform and high-end think tank that can address emerging strategic industries. The center also aims to support significant strategic projects, technology transformation initiatives, and foundational research efforts that align with international standards and contribute to the global digital economy.

By fostering collaboration among academic institutions, industry leaders, and government entities, IDEAS aspires to drive advancements in digital technologies and ensure a sustainable and competitive digital economy for both countries. Through this initiative, the center plays a crucial role in promoting scientific and technological innovation, thereby contributing to the overall economic growth and development of the BRICS nations.

The problem

When conducting policy research on the digital economy without the use of AI tools, several challenges and limitations can arise. One of the primary issues is data overload and complexity. Traditional research methods often struggle to handle the vast amounts of data generated in the digital economy, making it difficult for researchers to process and analyze large datasets efficiently. This can lead to potential oversights or delays in policy formulation.

Another significant challenge is the limited analytical capabilities of traditional methods. Without AI, the ability to identify patterns, trends, and correlations in complex datasets is restricted, hindering the development of insights necessary for effective policy decisions. Additionally, manual data collection and analysis are often time-consuming, which slows down the policy-making process. This delay can be critical in fast-paced digital environments where timely decisions are essential.

Traditional methods also carry a higher risk of human error in data analysis and interpretation, which can lead to inaccurate conclusions and ineffective policies. Furthermore, conducting predictive analysis without AI is more challenging and less reliable, as AI tools excel in predictive analytics, allowing policymakers to anticipate future trends and outcomes.

The digital economy involves data from various sectors and disciplines, and traditional methods may struggle to integrate and analyze this diverse data effectively. This limitation can restrict the comprehensiveness of research findings. Moreover, human researchers may inadvertently introduce biases into their analyses. AI tools can help mitigate this by providing more objective and data-driven insights, which are harder to achieve with traditional methods.

Finally, traditional research methods often require more human resources and financial investment, as they rely heavily on manual processes and expertise. Promoting the use of AI tools in policy research can address these challenges by enhancing data processing capabilities, improving accuracy, and enabling more efficient and comprehensive analysis.

The solution

Climind offers a range of solutions that significantly enhance policy research in the digital economy, particularly in the context of climate-related challenges.

One of the primary solutions provided by Climind is its ability to process and analyze large volumes of data efficiently. With advanced AI models capable of handling reports and documents up to 300,000 words, Climind ensures precise source indexing and comprehensive data analysis. This capability addresses the common issue of data overload faced in traditional research methods.

Climind also stands out with its extensive knowledge base, covering 14 industry categories and 7 professional source categories, including green finance, climate policy, and renewable energy. By leveraging data from reputable sources such as the IPCC, IEA, and World Bank, Climind delivers accurate and actionable insights. This extensive database allows for more informed decision-making and strategic recommendations, which are crucial in policy research.

Moreover, Climind's tools, such as Climind Ask and Climind Read, provide users with powerful functionalities for interacting with data. Climind Ask facilitates structured interactions and professional analysis, empowering users to conduct risk assessments, evaluate economic impacts, and perform scenario analyses. This tool ensures that users receive detailed and relevant information, making it an essential resource for understanding and addressing climate change effectively.

Climind Read enhances the research process by enabling users to upload PDF documents and inquire about their contents. This feature not only delivers precise answers but also provides the source of the information, including the page number in the original file. By highlighting relevant sections within documents, Climind Read ensures users can easily verify and understand the context of the information provided.

In addition, Climind's Carbon Lens platform offers comprehensive insights into start-ups focused on climate and sustainability. It provides essential information across various dimensions, including ESG aspects, and allows users to inquire further about specific topics of interest, enhancing their understanding and engagement with the climate and sustainability sector.

The result

Climind has significantly contributed to the research efforts of IDEAS, particularly in the realm of policy research on the digital economy and climate governance. One of the major accomplishments facilitated by Climind is the development of a detailed policy report titled "The Role of Green Finance in Climate Governance in BRICS Countries." This report investigates how BRICS nations utilize green finance tools, such as green bonds and funds, to support climate-friendly projects. It also examines how these countries leverage financial innovation to attract investments and implement climate governance projects at the national level. Climind's advanced data processing and analytical capabilities ensured that the report was well-researched, providing IDEAS with a robust foundation for policy recommendations.

Green Commitments of BRICS Countries: Progress and Prospects in Addressing Climate Change

In addition to report writing, Climind has been instrumental in refining and optimizing the article "BRICS Countries Joining Hands to Address Climate Change." By leveraging Climind's AI tools, IDEAS was able to enhance the content, ensuring clarity, coherence, and the inclusion of the latest data and insights. This collaboration resulted in a more compelling and informative article, reflecting the current state of climate cooperation among BRICS nations.

Climind also supported IDEAS researchers in identifying relevant evidence and projects for a policy report on the development of green energy, titled "BRICS Green Energy Cooperation: Current Status, Drivers, and Prospects." This report focuses on green energy cooperation projects among BRICS countries, such as wind and solar energy initiatives. Through case studies, it demonstrates how these projects contribute to energy transition, enhance energy security, and positively impact local economies and the environment. Climind's extensive knowledge base and data retrieval capabilities were instrumental in gathering the necessary information for this report.

Moreover, Climind has empowered IDEAS researchers by providing training that enabled them to utilize the AI tool independently. This empowerment allowed researchers to conduct their analyses, access comprehensive climate data, and generate tailored insights for their specific research needs. By integrating Climind into their workflow, IDEAS researchers gained a powerful tool to enhance their research efficiency and effectiveness in policy development related to the digital economy and climate governance. Through these initiatives, Climind has proven to be an invaluable asset for IDEAS, facilitating high-quality research and policy development through its advanced AI capabilities.